Accessing information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
- OILECC GIPA Policy (PDF) 670 KB
- OILECC Agency Information Guide (PDF) 241 KB
- GIPA Access Application Form (PDF) 228 KB
Open access information
Section 6(2) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) relevantly provides that “open access information” is to be made publicly available free-of-charge on a website maintained by the agency and can be made publicly available in any other way that the agency considers appropriate.
Part 3 of the GIPA Act outlines what constitutes open access information. Section 18 defines open access information to include the agency’s information guide, information about an agency contained in any document tabled in Parliament by or on behalf of the agency as well as the agency’s policy documents.
Section 19 however provides that this Part does not apply to the Office of the Inspector of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (OILECC) in respect of any of its functions listed in Schedule 2 of the GIPA Act. Those functions are OILECC’s “operational auditing, handling of misconduct matters (within the meaning of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Act 2016), investigative and reporting functions.”
OILECC publishes its information guide on this webpage. OILECC also publishes all documents that it has tabled in Parliament on its ‘Reports’ webpage. A number of its policies are also published on its website.
Disclosure log
Section 25 of the GIPA Act provides that an agency must keep a disclosure log that records information about access applications made to the agency that the agency determines by deciding to provide access (to some or all of the information applied for) if the information is information that the agency considers may be of interest to other members of the public. Section 26 of the Act sets out the type of information required to be recorded in the disclosure log.
OILECC will disclose here any information about an access application made to it that it determines by deciding to provide access it considers may be of interest to other members of the public.
Government contracts register
Division 5 of Part 3 of the GIPA Act requires an agency to keep a register of government contracts that records the information required to be disclosed by that Division.
At present OILECC has not entered any contracts requiring such disclosure. If it does so, they will be disclosed in accordance with the statutory requirements.
Non-disclosure record
Section 6(5) of the GIPA Act requires an agency to keep a record of any open access information that it does not make publicly available on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure.
OILECC will keep a record here of any such decision that is made.
List of major assets
Clause 6(2)(a) of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018 (GIPA Regulation) includes, as open access information, a list of major assets, other than land holdings, appropriately classified and highlighting major acquisitions during the previous financial year.
OILECC did not possess nor acquire any major assets during the 2022-23 financial year.
Property disposal
Clause 6(2)(b) of the GIPA Regulation includes, as open access information, a list of the total number and total value of properties disposed of during the previous financial year.
OILECC did not dispose of any properties during the 2022-23 financial year.
Last updated: February 2024
Accessing past Office of the Inspector of the Police Integrity Commission reports
Past Office of the Inspector of the Police Integrity Commission Annual Reports and other published Reports are available on the NSW OpenGov website.